Rosa Quarato

Rosa Quarato
Rosa has over 20 years experience in sales & marketing and project management in the chemical industry. Over the years, she has successfully led and managed projects with multi-functional and multi-cultural teams, developed market strategies, customer solutions and new products, assessed new markets as to target new applications, led the commercialisation of a new additive improving fuel efficiency and reducing carbon emissions, while cultivating external partnerships for joint-development opportunities aligned to circular economy During her career, she has been engaged in several initiatives fostering inclusion and diversity at work and in the society, and she volunteers at aid and environmental organisations. Rosa is passionate about sustainability and circular economy, to which she has been very well acquainted since childhood, as the concept of reuse and recycle was well engrained in her family of 11 children from the South of Italy. She recently completed a course of Business Sustainability Leadership at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership and a training as Climate Reality Leader at the Climate Reality Project. Rosa has just joined Eastman, a global specialty chemical company, as Market Development Manager in Corporate Innovation, a role she intends to perform through the sustainability lens.

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